簡介 Overview

縱嶺步道 1-1 起自台灣最北端的富貴角燈塔,穿越過富貴角遊憩區的親子步道到達燈台橋,過橋後走一段楓林路到青山瀑布登山口,在登山口有許多冷飲站可稍做休息。進入青山瀑布步道遇到木橋後右轉往土徑走至老梅瀑布。在此開始步道轉為較陡的小徑登上豬母屏山,之後下山到此段終點北星真武寶殿。

Segment 1-1 of the Taiwan Peak-to-Peak Trail 台灣縱貫越嶺步道 begins at the Fugui Cape Lighthouse 富貴角燈塔 located at the northernmost tip of the island. From there, it passes through Fugui Cape Recreation Area 富貴角遊憩區 to Dengtai Bridge 燈台橋. It then leads south through the countryside along the paved Fenglin Road 楓林路 to the Qingshan Waterfall Trailhead 青山瀑布登山口, where there are trailside stands selling local refreshments and snacks. It then continues towards Qingshan Waterfall 青山瀑布 but, after crossing a wooden bridge, turns immediately left and leaves the main trail to head towards Laomei Waterfall 老梅瀑布. After arriving there, the trail ascends steeply up to Zhumuping Mountain 豬母屏山 and then descends to Beixing Zhenwu Temple 北星真武寶殿.

路線 Route


Fugui Cape Lighthouse 富貴角燈塔 – Fugui Cape Recreation Area 富貴角遊憩區 – Dengtai Bridge 燈台橋 – Fenglin Road 楓林路 – Qingshan Waterfall Trailhead 青山瀑布登山口 – Qingshan Waterfall 青山瀑布 – Zhumuping Mountain 豬母屏山 – Beixing Zhenwu Temple 北星真武寶殿

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