簡介 Overview

縱嶺步道 1-3 開始於小油坑遊客服務站,山友們前往之前可以在服務站購買一些基本的補給品。開始經過火山硫磺蒸氣噴氣孔自然景觀區,中間到達陽明山國家公園的最高峰七星山。接著到通過七星山東峰,往石梯和小徑下坡到冷水坑沿著步道穿過菁山吊橋往東上坡,下到山谷到達擎天崗。這裡是以自由的漫遊在牛群旁而聞名的山地草原,步道維護相當好,是相當受歡迎旅遊聖地。沿著山脊,森林和其他幾個山峰,包含擎天崗東峰、石梯嶺、杏林山、 頂山 ,然後下坡到風櫃嘴。

Segment 1-3 of the Taiwan Peak-to-Peak Trail 台灣縱貫越嶺步道 begins at Xiaoyoukeng Visitor Center 小油坑遊客服務站, where mountaineers can purchase some very basic supplies before heading onward. From there, the well-maintained trail ascends past volcanic fumaroles spewing sulfuric vapors and up to Qixing Mountain 七星山, the highest peak in Yangmingshan National Park 陽明山國家公園. It then proceeds to Qixing Mountain East Peak 七星山東峰 before descending stone stairways and trails to Lengshuikeng 冷水坑. The trail then heads east over Jingshan Suspension Bridge 菁山吊橋, down into a valley and up to Qingtiangang 擎天崗, a mountain grassland and popular tourist destination famous for its population of free-roaming cattle. The trail continues east along ridgelines, through forests, and over several more peaks, including Qingtiangang East Peak 擎天崗東峰, Shiti Peak 石梯嶺, Xinglin Mountain 杏林山, and Ding Mountain 頂山 before descending to Fengguizui 風櫃嘴, which has a sheltered pavilion along the road and is a popular turnaround point for groups of road bikers.

路線 Route


Xiaoyoukeng Visitor Center 小油坑遊客服務站 – Qixing Mountain 七星山 – Qixing Mountain East Peak 七星山東峰 – Lengshuikeng 冷水坑 – Jingshan Suspension Bridge 菁山吊橋 – Qingtiangang 擎天崗 – Qingtiangang East Peak 擎天崗東峰 – Shiti Peak 石梯嶺 – Xinglin Mountain 杏林山 – Ding Mountain 頂山 – Fengguizui 風櫃嘴

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