簡介 Overview
縱嶺步道 1-6 從菁桐火車站經過菁桐老街沿著鐵路往東,走到老街底向右轉下切階梯,經過中埔鐵橋後往上走過一些當地民宅到靜安路二段(雙菁公路)。公路往東走一小段就會看到東勢格越嶺步道登山口。進入步道後往南走東勢格古道,沿著瓜寮坑溪往上會看到小型水壩,通過水壩沿著步道走到底後會看到很長的陡上石階山徑,在石階盡頭有一巨大岩壁,在岩壁下有兩個大小可架設一到兩個帳篷的石洞。從這裡沿著岩壁往上之後路徑改變為土路石頭路徑,拉繩往上攀到高點後再往下,再沿著拉繩往稜線攀到頂會看到一旁的石燭尖(海拔420m),此處風景非常優美,視野廣闊適合登高拍照,但空間狹小不方便團體用餐休息。一旁是危險的斷崖,而攀繩的路線是依循山脊線且上面有些許青苔相當濕滑,若是在惡劣的天氣條件下或夜間行動則相當危險。下稜線回到岩壁步道繼續前進會再進入森林,路徑轉變較為緩和的土徑,緊接著到達九龍山(海拔490m),這裡沒有明顯的山頭可望遠,身在森林內部,很容易就會錯過。經過九龍山短暫的下坡後,路徑開始一個陡峭的爬坡,由於路徑是鬆散的土壤,通常會提供必需的繩索。沿路上,有一個露頭岩石,周圍的山和峽谷下有美麗的景色,該路徑到達九龍山叉路和主要山脊不久之後,其中一條路徑左切來到峰頭尖東峰和主徑沿著主山脊右轉往西,經過幾座較小的山峰起伏後到達峰頭尖主峰,而這裡是菁桐火車站至峰頭埔這段縱嶺步道的最高點。從那裡,路線沿著路徑不太明顯的山脊線路開始向西南下降,登山者經常需要仔細尋找路線標記,不要偏離主路線。過了一段時間,在大約390米高有一個大的岩石,距離峰頭尖主峰約0.7公里。在這之前,這附近的布條標記較不清楚,注意左邊路徑的布條向左下切,離開山脊,並通過森林和竹林進行下去,最終通往峰頭埔的玉桂嶺路。
Beginning as Jingtong Train Station 菁桐火車站 and the adjacent Jingtong Old Street 菁桐老街, Segment 1-6 follows the path down a stone stairway and across Zhongpu Bridge 中埔鐵橋 and through a neighborhood up to Jingan Road, Section 2 靜安路二段 (also called Shuangjing Road 雙菁公路). After heading east for a short distance, it arrives at the Dongshige Trailhead 東勢格越嶺步道登山口. It then turns south and begins to ascend along the Dongshige Old Trail 東勢格古道. It follows the river valley, crossing once at a concrete bridge from the right to left bank, before leading to the base of a long stone stairway. The stairway ascends to two caves in a cliff face suitable for two smaller tents. From there, the ascent continues along stone and earthen trails up to Shizhujian 石燭尖, a pair of sharp stone peaks with little room for groups to gather at the edge of high cliffs. Proceeding upwards, the trail follows rocky ridgelines that are slippery when wet and could be dangerous in inclement weather conditions or at night. It then arrives at the forested Nine Dragons Mountain 九龍山, which is more spectacular in name than in reality. Following a brief descent, the trail begins a steep climb where the ropes provided are often necessary because of the loose soil. Along the way, there is a rocky outcropping that offers nice views of the surrounding mountains and valleys below, and the trail reaches Nine Dragons Mountain Fork 九龍山叉路 and the main ridgeline shortly thereafter, where a trail left leads down towards Fengtoujian East Peak 峰頭尖東峰 and the main trail right ascends and descends over several smaller peaks along the main ridge before reaching Fengtoujian Main Peak 峰頭尖主峰, the highest point in the segment. From there, the route begins its descent west-southwest along a ridgeline trail that is much less developed, and mountaineers will often need to carefully seek out the trail markers so as not to stray off of the main trail. After a while, there is a large rocky outcropping at ~390m elevation and ~0.7 km distance from Fengtoujian Main Peak 峰頭尖主峰. Before the outcropping, the poorly marked trail turns left, leaving the ridgeline, and proceeds down through forests and bamboo groves, eventually leading to Yuguiling Road 玉桂嶺路 in the final destination of Fengtoupu 峰頭埔.
路線 Route
Jingtong Train Station 菁桐火車站 – Zhongpu Bridge 中埔鐵橋 – Jingan Road, Section 2 靜安路二段 / Shuangjing Road 雙菁公路 – Dongshige Old Trail 東勢格古道 – Shizhujian 石燭尖 – Nine Dragons Mountain 九龍山 – Nine Dragons Mountain Fork 九龍山叉路 – Fengtoujian Main Peak 峰頭尖主峰 –Yuguiling Road 玉桂嶺路 – Fengtoupu 峰頭埔