簡介 Overview

縱嶺步道 1-8 起自石碇老街,經過通往淡蘭古道的萬壽橋,登山口位於石碇西街 600 公尺處左側。由此登山口往上,穿過農場與森林,步道越來越陡,且陰暗泥濘,乃因位處山脈之背陽面。到達筆架連峰最東邊的山峰,向西沿著穿插森林與石岩的稜線。稜線上的風景很漂亮,且平常有陽光曝曬比前面上坡段乾燥。稜線先連接筆架山與二格山,沿著樟湖步道到待老坑山,再下坡經過玉山路。在此叉路有一家風景美好的戶外披薩店。之後,步道繼續下坡到長春路,沿著長春路走一段會看到獅頭山登山步道口。最後,先上坡穿過維護良好且登山客多的獅頭山親子步道,再下山到這段的終點捷運新店站。

Segment 1-8 begins at Shiding Old Street 石碇老街 in the small, touristy mountain town of Shiding 石碇 and crosses the bridge that leads towards the Danlan Old Trail 淡蘭古道. After heading west for a short distance along Shiding West Street 石碇西街, the trailhead can be found on the left. From there, the trail ascends through farms and forests and can be dark and muddy in places because it is on the north face of the mountain. Once arriving at the first peak at the easternmost end of Bijia Peaks 筆架連峰, the trail begins to follow intermittently forested and rocky ridgelines, offers beautiful views of the surrounding areas, and tends to be drier than the initial ascent. The ridgeline connects Bijia Mountain 筆架山 and Erge Mountain 二格山 and then follows the Zhanghu Trail 樟湖步道 to Dailaokeng Mountain 待老坑山 before descending crossing Yushan Road 玉山路, where there is a pizzeria with outdoor seating and nice views. The trail then continues and eventually emerges on Changchun Road 長春路. Heading west along the road will lead to the trailhead for the Shitou Mountain Trail 獅頭山登山步道. The trail then proceeds up and over this well developed and popular network of hiking trails and down to MRT Xindian Station 捷運新店站, the final destination of Section 1 of the Taiwan Peak-to-Peak Trail.

路線 Route


Shiding Old Street 石碇老街 – Bijia Peaks 筆架連峰 – Erge Mountain 二格山 – Zhanghu Trail 樟湖步道 – Dailaokeng Mountain 待老坑山 – Shitou Mountain 獅頭山 – MRT Xindian Station 捷運新店站

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