- 超越「無痕山林」原則。不僅隨手帶走自己所製造的垃圾,並將觸目所見的其他垃圾一併帶走。
- 尊重當地居民生活。登山步道沿線常住有居民,請山友懷抱相互尊重、信任與諒解心態,與當地居民建立友善關係。
- 鍛練身心,使達到最佳狀態。
- 練習野外求生基本技能,緊急時得以自救。
- 謹慎計劃與執行行程,並告知留守人。
- 帶齊必需裝備,含十大必備物品。
- 越野跑:選任一登山步道或其他不平地面進行跑步訓練,並確認訓練強度與頻繁度是否足夠,以強化血液循環系統、運動系統(肌肉與骨骼系統)、本體感(proprioception)與平衡感。
- 重裝訓練:登山時須長時背很重的背包,因此,行前背包背負訓練的重量宜超過預定行程將會背負的重量。若不便進行山上重裝訓練,可選擇住家附近的樓梯或地面進行訓練。
- 身心靈調適:設法突破撞牆期、睡眠剝奪與異於日常的飲食習慣。
- 裝備熟稔:練習使用個人將攜帶之登山衣物與器材。
- 將行程告知親朋好友。
- 勿隨意更改既定行程。
- 莫亂闖,待在原定登山步道。
- 莫單獨行動,任何時候皆須至少一位夥伴同行。
- 學習野外急救基本技能,並隨身攜帶急救包。
- 穿著合適登山裝以妥善護身,包含長褲與長袖上衣。
- 妥適應對天氣突然的變化,特別是驟雨狂風或異常溫度。
- 隨身攜帶緊急行動通訊裝置。
- 隨身攜帶標示登山路線之防水紙本地圖。
- Medicine for the Outdoors: The Essential Guide to First Aid and Medical Emergencies, by Paul S. Auerbach (Google Play / Amazon)
- Outward Bound Wilderness First-Aid Handbook, by Jeffrey Isaac (Google Play / Amazon)
- Mountaineering First Aid: A Guide to Accident Response and First Aid Care, by Jan D. Carline, Martha J. Lentz, Steven C. Macdonald (Google Books / Amazon)
- Red Cross First Aid Courses (Website)
- Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills (8th ed.)
- The Survival Handbook: Essential Skills for Outdoor Adventure, by Colin Towell (Archive.org / Google Books / Amazon) (英文)
- SAS Survival Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Surviving Anywhere, by John ‘Lofty’ Wiseman (Google Play / Amazon / Wikipedia) (英文)
- 阮祺文, “Venomous Snake Bites in Taiwan,” Journal of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine 23(3), 2012年. (英文)
- 《毒蛇咬傷急救處理》,陽明山國家公園,2017年。(中文)
- 《其他動物咬傷的急救處理》,陽明山國家公園,2017年。(中文)
- 入山證:內政部警政署入山案件申辦系統
- 入園證:臺灣國家公園入園入山線上申請服務網
- 保持乾燥。
- 保持溫暖。
- 保有水分。
- 確保走對路。
- 導航器材:防水地形圖與路線圖、指北針、行動GPS接收器、高度計。
- 防曬衣物與用品:防曬衣物、防曬帽子、太陽眼鏡、防曬乳、護唇膏。
- 防水保暖衣物與配件:防水保暖外套、褲子、上衣、襪子、鞋子、帽子、手套(以前往地區最寒冷氣候狀態來準備)。
- 照明器材:LED頭燈、手電筒、備用電池。
- 急救包:輕/重傷急救裝備、藥品、驅蟲防蚊用品。
- 生火器具:防風打火機、打火棒、防水火柴、火種。
- 登山工具與裝備維修包:開山刀、折疊刀、多功能工具、裝備維修包(含強力膠帶、細繩等物品)。
- 食物:高營養的即食口糧(建議準備多一天的份量)。
- 飲用水:水瓶、清水、濾水器、殺菌淨水錠。
- 臨時避難所:帳棚、外帳、露宿袋、緊急救生保溫毯、大型塑膠袋、睡袋、防寒睡墊。
- 緊急求救信號裝置:哨子、鏡子。
- 通訊裝置:手機、無線電、衛星電話。
The Virtual Academy provides essential information about preparing for the mountains in Taiwan.
Environmental and Social Responsibility
The Taiwan Peak-to-Peak Trail is more than just a long-distance hiking trail. It is part of a global network of organizations and individuals dedicated to promoting environmentally and socially responsible use of mountain areas and safe and well-prepared mountain activities.
- Go beyond “leave no trace.” Pack out your own trash and help to remove others’ trash from mountain areas whenever feasible.
- Respect the locals. People, often farmers, live along the trails. In some cases, it is their land. Build trust, camaraderie, and mutual understanding in any way possible.
Mountaineers attempting any part of the Taiwan Peak-to-Peak Trail must be well prepared for their excursion—be it long-distance through-hike or a day trip through easily accessible areas. Mountaineers should:
- Build physical and mental fitness.
- Learn basic wilderness survival skills.
- Plan your expedition, share it with others, and stick to the plan.
- Pack smart.
Build physical and mental fitness.
The Taiwan Peak-to-Peak Trail offers physical and mental challenges for mountaineers of all ages and levels of experience. Physical and mental training takes time, but it is a rewarding process. Training to hike the trail, either in segments or in its entirety, can be beneficial not only when on the trail but in many aspects of everyday life.
The best way to build and maintain physical and mental fitness for the trail is by simulating the conditions that you will encounter. Everyone’s situation is different in terms of what they have access to, how much time and money they can spend, and what their current levels of physical and mental fitness are. However, a few of universally beneficial activities include:
- Trail running. Run on trails or other uneven surfaces. Ensure that your training is intense and frequent enough to train your cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, proprioception, and balance.
- Pack training. Understand that you may be carrying a heavy pack for long periods of time. Practice carrying that amount of weight or heavier in the pack that you will use on the trail. Carrying a backpack can be done at or near home if you are not able to train in the mountains.
- Conditioning. Become familiar with hitting the wall, sleep deprivation, and trail diets.
- Familiarizing. Practice using everything that you will bring on your expedition, including equipment and clothing.
Learn basic wilderness survival skills.
Emergency situations can often be avoided or mitigated by careful planning. Mountaineers should:
- Inform family and friends of their plan.
- Stick to the plan.
- Stay on designated trails.
- Stay with a group.
- Learn basic first aid, and bring a first aid kit.
- Wear protective clothing, including long pants and shirts with long sleeves.
- Be prepared for sudden, heavy rainfall and other changing weather patterns.
- Bring emergency communication devices.
- Bring waterproof, printed maps of your route.
Those who consider the above will be less likely to encounter emergency situations and, in the event that they do, more likely to emerge from the situation unharmed. Even with careful preparation, many segments of the Taiwan Peak-to-Peak Trail can be dangerous, and unexpected emergencies may occur. Mountaineers are encouraged to spend time learning about not only basic wilderness survival skills that are universally useful but also the specific conditions that may be encountered in Taiwan.
First Aid
Learning basic first aid skills can empower you to (1) treat minor wounds and illnesses without further medical attention and (2) temporarily deal with major wounds and illnesses so that you or your group have enough time to seek professional medical assistance. There are many resources available online and in print to learn more about first aid. Some recommended resources include:
- Medicine for the Outdoors: The Essential Guide to First Aid and Medical Emergencies, by Paul S. Auerbach (Google Play / Amazon)
- Outward Bound Wilderness First-Aid Handbook, by Jeffrey Isaac (Google Play / Amazon)
- Mountaineering First Aid: A Guide to Accident Response and First Aid Care, by Jan D. Carline, Martha J. Lentz, Steven C. Macdonald (Google Books / Amazon)
- Red Cross First Aid Courses (Website)
- Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills (8th ed.)
Wilderness Survival
Apart from first aid, wilderness survival involves becoming familiar with and regularly practicing hundreds of different skills. Some recommended resources include:
- The Survival Handbook: Essential Skills for Outdoor Adventure, by Colin Towell (Archive.org / Google Books / Amazon)
- SAS Survival Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Surviving Anywhere, by John ‘Lofty’ Wiseman (Google Play / Amazon / Wikipedia)
Poisonous Snakes and Dangerous Beasts in Taiwan
The mountainous areas of Taiwan have many beastly creatures that can harm you. Learn about them, plan to avoid any dangerous encounters, and be prepared to deal with any unexpected incidents. Many useful resources are available online, including:
- Chi-Wen Juan, “Venomous Snake Bites in Taiwan,” Journal of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine 23(3), 2012. (English)
- “First Aid Treatment for Poisonous Snake Bites,” Yangmingshan National Park, 2017. (Chinese)
- “First Aid Treatment for Other Animal Bites,” Yangmingshan National Park, 2017. (Chinese)
Plan your expedition, share it with others, and stick to the plan.
Plan the details of your expedition carefully; share your detailed plan with people that care about your wellbeing; and follow your plan.
Maps and Itinerary
Whether your are going on a day hike on one of the segments or a long-distance expedition, you should clearly understand the route and know the approximate times that you will arrive at each destination along the way. The Taiwan Peak-to-Peak Trail website provides a route map of the entire trail and more detailed descriptions of the sections and segments. Mountaineers should prepare both printed and GPS-ready electronic versions of their route maps before setting out. Some recommended resources include:
- Cell Phone GPS Mountaineering Tutorial (Chinese)
Park and Mountain Entry Permits
Mountaineering within Taiwan’s national parks and other protected areas often requires a mountain entry permit, park entry permit, or both. Typically, these must be applied for in advance through the Ministry of the Interior.
- Mountain entry permit: Mountain Entry Application System
- Park entry permit: Park Entry Online Application Website
Pack smart.
In a nutshell, packing smart will allow you to:
- Stay dry.
- Stay warm.
- Stay hydrated.
- Stay on the trail.
Almost all emergency situations in mountain areas could be avoided if mountaineers packed smart based on these guidelines and prepared accordingly.
Ten Essentials
For many years, mountaineers have used the “ten essentials” as a basic reference for what needs to be packed on any mountain expedition. These include:
- Navigation: Topographic and route maps, compass, GPS receiver, altimeter.
- Sun protection: Clothing for sun protection, hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, lip balm.
- Waterproof and insulated apparel: Waterproof and insulated jacket, pants, shirts, socks, shoes, hat, gloves (in preparation for coldest possible weather at destination during current season).
- Illumination: LED headlamp, flashlight, extra batteries.
- First aid kit: Minor/severe injury first aid supplies, medicine, insect repellent.
- Fire: Windproof lighter, firesteel, waterproof matches, kindling.
- Repair kit and tools. Knife, multi-tool, duct tape, cable ties.
- Nutrition. Add extra food for one additional day (for emergency). Dry food is preferred to save weight and usually needs water.
- Hydration. Add extra 2 liters of water for one additional day (for emergency).
- Emergency shelter. Tarp, bivouac sack, space blanket, plastic tube tent, jumbo trash bags, insulated sleeping pad.
Beyond these classic ten essentials, three more things are critical to mountaineering safety:
- Communications and signaling devices. Mobile phone, whistle, mirror, two-way radio, satellite phone.
- Mountaineering knowledge and skills.
- Physical and mental fitness.